I have a PowerSchool Parent Portal Account for checking grades, etc. Do I need a separate account for the PS Enrollment site?
I have downloaded a form and cannot enter any information on it. Should I be able to?
Where do we make payments for textbook rental?
Yes. The online registration accounts that must be utilized are unique from your PowerSchool Parent Portal Account where you check grades, etc. You will need one enrollment parent account per family and then use your snapcodes to enroll your student(s).
The form downloads are available for you to have access to print those and get them filled out without having to pick those up at the schools. You will need to email them or return them to your school office.
The State Legislature has passed legislation to pay curricular material fees for all students, what we commonly call textbook rental, and includes Chromebooks. The only exception to this is for projects created for the purpose of creating a product the student will own upon completion.1.